Department of Computer Science & Engineering
Message from Head
On behalf of the faculty members, staffs, and students of Department of Computer Science & Engineering of Chittagong University of Engineering & Technology (CUET), I welcome you all to this official website. We started our journey in the year of 1998. Over the last two decades, we have grown our expertise and competence in the core Computer Engineering curriculum and research.
The CSE department offers science-based engineering curriculum. The primary focus of our curriculum is to impart technical know-how to students, promote their problem solving skills and innovation of new technologies to prepare our CSE graduates for the fourth industrial revolution.
Department of CSE has a distinguished record in both teaching and research. Faculty members have excellent academic credentials and are highly regarded. They have been conferred with many prestigious awards at national and international levels.
The department proudly provides a diverse and open learning environment that encourages collaboration and opportunities for personal growth and professional development.
Have a nice stay here.
Dr. Abu Hasnat Mohammad Ashfak Habib