Department of Petroleum and Mining Engineering

Our Laboratories

The Petroleum and Mining Engineering (PME) Department has been completely refurbished, and is equipped with state-of-the-art equipment and facilities. The academic activities of the department include a number of laboratory modules conducted in specialized laboratories. Our laboratory facilities include:

1.       Core Analysis Laboratory

2.       Drilling Fluids Laboratory

3.       Gas Measurement Laboratory

4.       Fluid Analysis Laboratory

5.       Rig Floor Simulator

6.       Reservoir Investigation Laboratory

7.       Rock Mechanics Laboratory

8.       Mine Survey and Photogrammetry Laboratory

9.       Mine Instrumentation Laboratory

10.   Ventilation and Environmental Laboratory

11.   Mineral Extraction and Processing Laboratory

12.   Model Mine Gallery and the Mine

13.   Computer Based Design and Simulation Laboratory


Core Analysis Laboratory:

The purpose of this laboratory is to acquaint the students with standard laboratory methods and techniques for measuring rock properties. Equipments available in this facility include:

1.       Core Cutting Saw

2.       Plugging Machine

3.       Trimming Machine

4.       Dry Oven

5.       Centrifugal Extractor

6.       Permeameter

7.       Capillary Pressure Unit

8.       Mercury Porosimeter


Drilling Fluids Laboratory:

This laboratory is equipped with routine drilling fluid analysis instruments. Students are taught standard techniques to measure drilling fluid properties. The laboratory includes:

1.       Blenders

2.       Mud Balances

3.       Marsh Funnel

4.       Measuring Cup

5.       Rheometers

6.       pH meter

7.       Resistivity meter

8.       Filter press Unit

9.       Retort Kit

10.   Sand Content Analyzer

Gas Measurement Laboratory:

This laboratory is designed to give the students hands-on experience in metering natural gas and testing procedures. Quality control and quality assurance procedures are carefully followed in this laboratory in order to produce secure, well documented data with the highest level of integrity and accuracy. This laboratory is equipped with:

1.       Data Logger

2.       Gas Pressure Regulator

3.       Gas Chromatography (GC)

4.       Natural Gas Analyzer (NGA)


Fluid Analysis Laboratory:

The Fluid Analysis laboratory acquaints students with the techniques for measuring the important properties of hydrocarbon fluids, and thus includes the required equipment for routine testing of hydrocarbons.

1.       PVT Cell Unit

2.       Gasometer

Rig Floor Simulator:

This unit provides the students with the capability to practice everyday oil and gas drilling operations using state-of-the art equipment. All controls existing in a modern drilling unit are displayed at full scale giving students the feeling of an actual drilling rig. This simulator also permits students to practice hazardous operations without any risk.


Reservoir Investigation Laboratory:

This lab contains UNIX workstations, associated projectors, plotters and printers, and the latest engineering software, available for teaching, research, and continuing education programs.


Rock Mechanics Laboratory:

Knowledge about the mechanical properties of rocks is crucial for all work in rock mass. The rock mechanics laboratory performs a number of standardized tests, as well as special assignments. Rock mechanics laboratory has the following principal equipment:

1.       200 KN Lateral Press Tri-Axial Cell

2.       1000-4000 KN Stiff Testing Machine

3.       Tensile and Shear Testing Machine

4.       Creep Frames and Load Frames

5.       Borehole Deformation Gauge

6.       Schmidt Hammer

7.       Core Cutting Saw

8.       Mobile Diamond Saw of Cutting Rock

Mine Survey and Photogrammetry Laboratory:

Mine surveying is a specialized area of modern-day surveying. Mine surveyors measure underground and open-cut mines in detail, helping mining companies locate new mines safely. The laboratory is equipped with:

1.       Photo-Theodolite (Multi station)

2.       Digital Level

3.       GPS Receiver

4.       Area Digital Planimeter

5.       Hand GPS


Mine Instrumentation Laboratory:

The instrumentation laboratory will contain typical sensor technology (electrical, vibrating wire, optical, hydraulic, microseismic, etc.) that will be utilized for the manufacturing of rock mechanics instrumentation. A number of instruments including extensometers, strain gauges, joint meters, stress meters, strain cells, pressure cells, load cells, peizometers etc will be used in this laboratory. The application of data communication and data management techniques will also be practiced through a number of available data acquisition systems.


Ventilation and Environmental Laboratory:

The concentration of airborne dust particles, mine gases and radiation will be precisely determined with specialized digital instrumentation. The laboratory is designed to be equipped with standard instruments used for ventilation surveys including barometers, manometers, anemometers and psychrometers. A ventilation analogue will be used to simulate mine ventilation network systems. A simulator will be used to evaluate pressure losses in mine roadways and an airflow system will be used to size mine fans. Two automated ventilation systems will permit computer-controlled testing, simulation and characterization of main mine fan installations. A wind tunnel will also be available to permit instrumentation calibrations and flow simulations.


Mineral Extraction and Processing Laboratory:

Research and education at the Mineral Processing Laboratory provide vital knowledge on sustainable processing of ores and minerals, as well as on recovery of valuable components from industrial waste. The laboratory is the only of its kind in Bangladesh. The Laboratory Instruments used in mineral preparation are: Scanning Spectrophotometer, Polarizing Microscope, Automated Sample Divider, Various Types of Crushers, Various Types of Mills, Sizing and Classification Instruments, etc.


Computer Based Design and Simulation Laboratory:

Petroleum Experts Ltd., a petroleum software development company, has donated full package of Petroleum Experts suite (IPM suite) to this laboratory. In addition, KAPPA Engineering and Fekete Associates contributed to this laboratory by providing full suite of KAPPA and Fekete softwares respectively. For Mining engineering, Mine planning softwares including SURFAC, MINEX, Micromine, Vulcan, Whittle (4D) and SPSC will be purchased. The laboratory is fitted with computers, server for LAN, printers, X-Y plotter, and scanner.