
Welcome to ICACE-2020

The Department of Civil Engineering, Chittagong University of Engineering & Technology (CUET), is going to organize the 5th International Conference on Advances in Civil Engineering (ICACE) during 21-23 December 2020. ICACE provides an excellent forum for exchanging information and discussions on a wide variety of Civil Engineering topics, representing the latest development and future trends. Inspired by the success of the previous events of ICACE-2012, ICACE-2014, ICACE-2016 and ICACE-2018, we are committed to uphold the excellence of ICACE-2020. This year, we emphasized on quality papers to be published as conference proceeding indexed by Springer that not only uphold the conference quality but also give authors an extra dimension of their works to be recognized by research community globally.

The goal of this conference is to bring together once again the leading academic scientists, researchers, scholars and decision makers in various fields of Civil Engineering around the world to exchange new ideas, share knowledge and explore recent developments in the field of Civil Engineering. The ICACE-2020 promises to be an outstanding international platform for participants to share their knowledge and expertise. Students and young participants will have a unique chance to be acquainted with new and advanced Civil Engineering topics that will help them advance their careers, their respective organizations and the overall Civil Engineering community.

We look forward to meet you during 21-23 December 2020 at CUET.