* Director, Students' Welfare (15 Feb 2021 - Continue) • Dean, Faculty of Engineering &Technology (October 2019 -September 2021); * Head, Department of Chemistry (2010-2012 and 2014-2016); • Provost, Bangabandhu Hall (March 2019 - Feb 2021); • Provost, Shaheed Tareq Huda Hall (2012 -2014); • Provost, Dr. Q. K. Hall (2010-2012); • Librarian (Additional Charge) (2015); • Member, P & D (2017-2019); • Syndicate Member (Dec 2020 - Dec 2022) * Member, Academic Council (May 2009 - Continue) • Life Member of Bangladesh Chemical Society (LM -1220). Job history: Professor: From 19/12/2011 - till date; Associate Professor: 04/05/2009 - 18/12/2011; Assistant Professor: 04/01/2001 - 00/05/2009; Lecturer: 01/11/1994 - 03/01/2001.
Pulping and Bleaching, Papermaking, Secondary Fiber Recycling, Industrial Waste Water Pollution and Control, Metallic Corrosion in Industrial Process, Environmental Radioactivity.
  M.Sc. & D.Tech.Sc., AIT; B.Sc. (Hons.) & M.Sc. in Applied Chemistry & Chemical Technology, DU
Serial No | Title | Authors | Informations | Year |
1 | Suitability of the Combined Use of Chlorine Dioxide and Ozone in Prebleaching of Eucalyptus camaldulensis Kraft Pulp | Karim, M. R., Malinen, R. O | APPITA Journal, 60(3): 228 | 2007 |
2 | Beneficial Effects of Fungal Treatment Before Pulping and Bleaching of Acacia Mangium and Eucalyptus Camaldulensis | Islam M. N. Karim, M. R., Malinen R. O | Turkish Journal of Agriculture and Forestry, 32: 331-338 | 2008 |
3 | Response of Eucalyptus camaldulensis and Acacia mangium Kraft Pulp in Different ECF Bleaching Options | Karim, M. R., Islam, M. N., Malinen, R. O | Journal of Wood Science and Technology, 45(3): 473-485 | 2010 |
4 | Effluent Loads from Different ECF Bleaching Sequences Used in Hardwood Kraft Pulp Bleaching | Karim, M.R. | Current World Environment, 6(2): 201-206 | 2011 |
5 | Partial Replacement of Chlorine Dioxide with Ozone in Prebleaching of Acacia mangium Kraft Pulp | Karim, M. R., Islam, M. N., Malinen, R. O., | Nordic Pulp and Paper Research Journal, 26(4):392-397 | 2011 |
6 | Preservative Treatment of Keora (Sonneratia apetala) Poles by Full Cell Method of Wood Preservation with CCA Preservative, Bangladesh | Islam, M. S., Ashad, M., Islam, M. N., Karim, M. R., Hannah, M. O | Bangladesh Journal of Scientific & Industrial Research, 46(4), 415-224 | 2011 |
7 | Isolation and Structure Elucidation of Alkaloid from Sida acuta | Sutradhar R. K., Karim M. R., Khatun R. | International Journal of Integrated Science &Technology, 1, 45-47 | 2015 |
8 | Determination of Radionuclide Concentration and Estimation of Dose Rate in Industrial Wastes of Selective Industrial Area of Chittagong and Sediments of Karnaphuli River Near the industrial Zone, Chittagong, Bangladesh | Abedin M. J., Absar N., Bhuian A. K. M. S. I., Kamal M., Karim M. R, Miah M. H. A. | International Journal of Scientific and Industrial Research, 8 (4), 1491-1503 | 2017 |
9 | Investigation of Heavy Metals and Radionuclid’s Impact on Environment Due to The Waste Products of Different Iron Processing Industries in Chittagong, Bangladesh | Rahman, M.S., Barua, B.S., Karim, M.R., Kamal, M. | Journal of Environmental Protection, 8: 974-989 | 2017 |
10 | Spatial Distribution of Heavy Metals in Surface and Subsurface Sediment of the Coastal Area of Kutubdia Island, Coxs Bazar, Bangladesh | Doulah NU, Karim MR, Hossain S, Deb N, Barua BS | Journal of Environmental and Analytical Chemistry, 4: 213 | 2017 |
11 | Spatial distribution of radionuclides in agricultural soil in the vicinity of a coal-fired brick kilns | Abedin M.J, Karim M.R, Hossain S, Deb N, Kamal M, Miah M.H.A, Khandaker M.U | Arabian Journal of Geosciences, 12:236 | 2019 |
12 | Dispersion of radionuclides from coal-fired brick kilns and concomitant impact on human health and the environment | Abedin M.J., Karim, M.R., Khandaker, M.U., Kamal, M., Hossain. S., Miah, M.H.A., Bradley, D.A., Faruque, M.R.I, Sayyed. M.I. | Radiation Physics and Chemistry, 177, | 2020 |
13 | Removal of Chromium (VI) from Effluent by a Magnetic Bioadsorbent Based on Jute Stick Powder and its Adsorption Isotherm, Kinetics and Regeneration Study | Rahman, M.R. Karim, M.R. Hyder M.K.M.Z. Ahmed, U. and Nath, R.K. | Water Air and Soil Pollution, 231(4) | 2020 |
14 | PPE pollution in the terrestrial and aquatic environment of the Chittagong city area associated with the COVID19 pandemic and concomitant health implications | Abedin M J, Khandaker M U, Uddin M R, Karim M R, Ahmad M S U, Islam M A, Arif A M, Sulieman A , Idris A M | Environmental Science and Pollution Research | 2022 |
15 | Amassing the Covid 19 driven PPE wastes in the dwelling environment of Chittagong Metropolis and associated implications | Abedin, M.J., Khandaker, M.U., Uddin, M.R., Karim, M.R., Uddin Ahamad, M.S., Islam, M.A., Arif, A.M., Minhaz Hossain, S.M., Sulieman, A., Idris, A.M | Chemosphere, 297(2022) 134022 | 2022 |
16 | ECF Bleaching of Eucalyptus camaldulensis Kraft Pulp with Pressurized Peroxide Stage | Karim, M.R., Kolehmainen, H., Malinen, R.O., Ruhanen, M. | 2nd ISETPP Emerging Technologies of Pulping & Papermaking, Guangzhou, China | 2002 |
17 | Beneficial Effects of Fungal Treatment Before Pulping and Bleaching of Acacia Mangium and Eucalyptus Camaldulensis | Islam M. N., Malinen R.O., Karim, M.R. | 13th International Symposium on Wood, Fibre and Pulping Chemistry, 16-19 May, Auckland, New Zealand. | 2005 |
18 | Use of Ozone in Combination with Chlorine Dioxide in Prebleaching of Eucalyptus Camaldulensis Kraft Pulp | Malinen, R.O., Karim, M.R. | International Pulp and Paper Conference, 16-18 August, 2005, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia | 2005 |
19 | Suitability of the Combined Use of Chlorine Dioxide and Ozone in Prebleaching of Eucalyptus camaldulensis Kraft Pulp | Karim, M.R., Malinen, R.O | 60th APPITA Annual Conference, Melbourne Australia. 2006. | 2006 |
20 | Water Supply and Sanitation: For Mega Cities | Khan, M.Z.H., Karim, M.R., Haque, A. A. M., Hossain, M. Z. | 5th International Symposium on- New Technologies for Urban Safety of Mega Cities in Asia ( USMCA). Bangkok, Thailand | 2006 |
21 | Partial Replacement of Bleached Hardwood Kraft Pulp (Eucalyptus) with Bleached Chemi-thermomechanical Pulp (Aspen) in Fine Paper Furnish | Rahman, M. M. and Karim, M.R. | 30th Annual Conference of Bangladesh Chemical Society 2007. Chittagong, Bangladesh | 2008 |
22 | Neutral Deinking of Old Newspaper and Old Magazine Paper | Islam, M.M., and Karim, M.R. | 34th Annual Conference of Bangladesh Chemical Society | 2011 |
23 | An evaluation on the concentration of 238U, 232Th and 40K originate in the waste products of different iron processing industries at Chittagong, Bangladesh. | Rahman, M.S., Barua, B.S., Kamal, M. and Karim, M.R. | 2nd International Bose Conference 2015, 3-4 December, 2015, Dhaka, Bangladesh. | 2015 |
24 | Prospect of health hazard due to the concentration of natural radionuclides in waste products of different iron processing industries in Chittagong, Bangladesh. | Rahman, M.S., Barua, B.S., Kamal, M. and Karim, M.R. | 16th Asian Chemical Congress (16ACC), March 16-19, 2016, Dhaka, Bangladesh. | 2016 |
25 | Determination of radiological and health effect of fly-ash from coal-fired brik kilns. | Abedin, M.J., Karim, M.R., Kamal, M., Chowdhury, M.I. and Miah, M.H.A. | Bangladesh International Conference for Biomedical Students & Young Doctors (BICOBS), 2016, MIST, Dhaka, Bangladesh. | 2016 |
26 | Photocatalytic Degradation of volatile organic compounds from Indoor Environment using TiO2 & LiNbO3 Coated on concrete surface | Nath, R.K., Sutradhar, R.K. Karim, M.R. and Hossain, R. | 16th Asian Chemical Congress (16ACC), March 16-19, 2016, Dhaka, Bangladesh. | 2016 |
27 | Study of naturally occurring radionuclides in fly-ash from coal-fired brick kilns. | Abedin, M.J., Karim, M.R., Kamal, M., Chowdhury, M.I., Miah, M.H.A. | 16th Asian Chemical Congress (16ACC), March 16-19, 2016, Dhaka, Bangladesh. | 2016 |
28 | Distribution of Heavy Metals in Surface and Sub Surface Sediments of the Coast of Kutubdia Island, Cox’sbazar, Bangladesh. | Doulah, N.U., Karim, M.R., Hossain, S., Deb, N. and Kamal, M. | 38th Annual Conference, Bangladesh Chemical Society, 31 March, 2017, Chittagong, Bangladesh. | 2017 |
29 | Analysis of natural radioactivity and evaluation of radiological hazards by gamma-ray spectrometry with statistical approach in fly-ash, bottom ash and coal from coal-fired brick kilns. | Abedin, M.J., Karim, M.R., Kamal, M., Hossain, S. and Miah, M.H.A. | 38th Annual Conference, Bangladesh Chemical Society, 31 March, 2017, Chittagong, Bangladesh. | 2017 |
30 | Investigation of Heavy Metallic Impact on Environment due to the Waste Products of Different Iron Processing Industries in Chittagong, Bangladesh. | Rahman, M.S., Barua, B.S., Kamal, M. and Karim, M.R. | 38th Annual Conference, Bangladesh Chemical Society, 31 March, 2017, Chittagong, Bangladesh. | 2017 |
31 | Assessment of heavy metals and natural radionuclides found in the waste products of different iron processing industries in Chittagong, Bangladesh | Rahaman M. S. , Barua B. S. , Kamal M. and Karim M. R. . | National Conference on Physics-2017, Bangladesh Physical Society, Atomic Energy Centre, Dhaka, 5 - 7 January, (2017). | 2017 |
32 | Photocatalytic activity of LiNbO3 coated on concrete for the indoor air purification | Nath, R.K., Sutradhar, R.K. Karim, M.R. and Hossain, R. | International Conference on Chemical Science & Technology (ICCST-Chem 2018), KUET, Bangladesh | 2018 |
33 | Spatial Distribution of Heavy Metal in Sand/Sediment of Parki Beach, Anwara, Chattogram | Md. Siman Rushdi, Md. Rezaul Karim, Shahadat Hossain, Nipa Deb | International Conference on Science and Technology for Celebrating the Birth Centenary of Bangabandhu (ICSTB-2021), BCSIR, Dhaka | 2021 |